Violins and Ukuleles….Snow and emergency plans

3rd November 2017


Music lessons have taken a dramatic turn this week, as new instruments arrived and KS3 have been getting to grips with the basics of ukulele and violin playing. Hats off to Mr Hadfield who might have a bit of sore head this weekend, he has bravely taken on whole groups of instrumental lessons. I was lucky enough to join the beginners ukulele group with Year 9 and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Also this week we have made 2 new appointments in English and Science, in addition to the 2 DT teachers we recruited at the end of last term. The quality of candidates has impressed me greatly and we are now in a very strong position to continue to drive up improvements in teaching and learning. The Kagan training at the end of last term has also had a profound effect upon our staff. I have observed more Rally Robins and Rally Coach techniques than ever before. Conducting the Maths Faculty review on Thursday, staff who had never previously tried cooperative learning were engaged in all manner of new ideas which bought maths alive and ensured every student was engaged. I have to admit to being very proud of the team this week.

On a more sober note, we have written and prepared our Lock down policy this week, which was particularly pertinent due the local press coverage over the arrest of 2 local boys. I have written to parents giving them an overview of what the policy will mean and how we implement it and propose to have an assembly next week to explain it to our students. There is no doubt we live in difficult times and the news from America once again, highlights the need for vigilance and safety.  I hope that I never have to implement such a drastic policy, but at least if I do we are prepared and practised to keep everyone as safe as possible. As the weather gets colder and the nights get darker, we have also dusted off our snow policy. In the 2 years I have been Head I have not yet had to close the school due to poor weather and will try very hard not to do so. It is important though to have an emergency plan for your children, if for any reason the bus doesn’t turn up in the morning you need to ensure they are able to get home or to a safe place.