Wensleydale students to step into the Dragons’ Den

1st October 2018

Wensleydale School and Sixth Form has today announced an exciting development as it celebrated becoming a Peter Jones Enterprise Academy.

The Academy, which will be part of the school’s exciting new Business and Innovation Centre, will equip young people with the skills and experience needed to excel through its tailored courses, developed by star of Dragons’ Den, Peter Jones CBE, in partnership with Pearson (Edexcel), the UK’s largest educational awarding body.

Peter Jones CBE : “I’m absolutely delighted to announce this opportunity for Wensleydale School and Sixth Form to host a Peter Jones Enterprise Academy, and to help young people across the Dales develop the real-world business skills that will help them succeed in life.

“I believe all young people deserve a bright future and I started the Foundation with a clear goal – to improve young people’s lives. Good enterprise education is an essential element of this and should be part of all schools. We already run a number of successful enterprise programmes and offer high-quality qualifications, helping students fulfil their potential through a range of pioneering educational activities that encourage, educate and empower students, at all times championing enterprise.”

Through the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy, Wensleydale students  will be able to access business-led courses that have a mission to unleash young people’s entrepreneurial talent by giving them the opportunity to ‘learn by doing’. Students on the course are given the unique opportunity to learn first-hand the essential skills needed for the world of work.

Julia Polley, Headteacher, added: “We are a school with huge ambition.

“We are delighted to announce that we are also going to be a regional hub for the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy, meaning that we will be able to channel the spirit and the expertise of a Dragon from the BBC2 programme.

“We know that this will be a vital part of our Business and Innovation Centre and will help our Sixth Formers go on to become the business leaders and entrepreneurs that will drive the economy in the Dales.

“We are leaving no stone unturned in our quest to make Wensleydale School and Sixth Form the best possible platform for our students to go on and achieve and excel.”

Over the last two years the school has celebrated a number of accolades. They have been proud to have a staff member crowned as North Yorkshire’s Teacher of the Year. Results have been very strong and Ofsted has praised the progress that the school is making.

In addition, the students are thriving. Awards are being won, enrichment opportunities grasped and one student is even about to head off to the Finals of the ‘Up for Debate’ European Championships.

Mrs Polley added: “The best way to get a feel for our school is to speak to our staff and students. They are the biggest testament to the strength of our community. So please do come to our Open Evening on October 4 to say hello!”

“We are a school where we are not just proud of what we have achieved, but we are proud of how we have achieved it.”

For more information, please visit www.wensleydale.n-yorks.sch.uk