Activities Week 2019

28th June 2019

The staff and students have thrown themselves into this year’s activities week with gusto. It has been so good to see students taking part in such a range of activities, being tired but most of all happy and learning lots. Learning in  the non classroom way, developing their resilience, organsition, courage and community working skills. There is much to celebrate.

Yr 7 are on their way home after a packed week in France after visiting Bayeux, Normandy beaches and Arramanches. Yr 8 spent 3 days at Castle Howard on ‘Bushcraft’, their return home on Wednesday was a sight to see. A bit smelly, covered in ‘cam cream’ and visibly tired – and that was just the staff. Majority of year 9 spent the week at Bewerley park and are due home tonight. Yr 10 have been flung to the far corners for Work experience.

The ‘remainers’ spent a day at Wensleydale Creamery on a Dairy day visit, spent a day on Shakespeare and took part in sports and gardening on Wednesday.

Thursday saw the British Army take over, climbing walls, ration packs, orienteering, field craft medical skills and the art of camouflage were the orders for the day, thankfully in glorious sunshine. Today most students headed off to Lightwater Valley, with some staying for ‘Operation theatre- a science project with a difference. For some the sight of pigs liver and eyes was bit much and they retired to the garden instead.

The garden project is becoming a labour of love. Ms Huitson has led an enthusiastic team of students and staff this week and we are now well underway. More to follow.

A well deserved weekend coming up – but first Yr 11 Prom!!