GCSE Results: Wensleydale School and Sixth Form celebrate double success

22nd August 2019

Wensleydale School and Sixth Form students celebrated an impressive set of results today, which included a set of identical twins securing 20 GCSEs at Grade 5 or above.

Amy and Sophie Neate opened their envelopes to find that they had collectively achieved three 7s, eleven 6s and six 5s.

Amy said: “Before you ask, we did not achieve exactly the same results in the same subjects. Even for twins that would be a little freaky.

“We are, however, both incredibly proud of the results we have achieved. Our teachers have been brilliant, and our parents have been really supportive as they have had to work around two teenagers revising.”

 In addition, Matthew Readshaw secured an impressive six 9s, two 8s and two 7s and Rebecca Kilker is celebrating a 9 in History, four 8s, three 7s and a 6 and a 5. Matthew Foxwell also secured five grade 8s, two 7s and three 6s. Top marks in GCSE PE for Joseph O’Keefe who secured grade 9, Cameron Pirie also achieved six  8s and 10 overall.

Aside from the individual successes the school’s headteacher, Julia Polley, said that there was a great deal for the school to be proud of.

“We have had some subjects, such as Physics, where over a third of all results have been graded at 7 or above. Subjects like Food and Cookery, PE and History have also performed brilliantly, showing that we are delivering a broad and interesting curriculum where students really can find out where their talents and passions lie.”

Mrs Polley was keen to stress that the Class of 2019 would be remembered for more than just their results.

“This set of students will live long in the memory for their resilience, tenacity and humour.

“Results and data only tells half of the story. Collectively this group have had a lot to deal with. From the death of one of their friends and peers on the eve of their exams to some personal tragedies, they should be applauded for becoming young people this community can really be proud of.”