Goodbyes and Hellos

19th July 2019

As we finish this year, I would once again like to thank all parents and carers for your continued support.

There are a number of building projects taking place in school over the summer to refresh and upgrade our facilities.

  1. Science floors are being replaced
  2. The fire alarm is being replaced and upgraded
  3. A new school bell is being installed
  4. Locks are being added to all doors, for compliance with our lock down procedure
  5. Post-16 is having a facelift to make it a more productive area for students.

There are also changes in staffing. This week we have said farewell to :

  1. Mr Wilkinson – moved to a new role in North Yorkshire
  2. Ms Sowter- well deserved retirement
  3. Mr Wasden- similarly retirement beckons
  4. Mrs Lopez-Beverley – moves to a new role in another part of North Yorkshire
  5. Mrs Preston – leaves to start a new chapter in her life

We have made some changes to some staff roles and welcome the following:

  1. Ms Nathan-Geary-Business
  2. Mrs Young- DT and Progress Leader KS4
  3. Mr Evertson -MFL
  4. Mr Johnson- DT Food
  5. Mrs Colquhoun -Science
  6. Mr Ferrier- HOF Maths

Changes :

  1. Mr Ashcroft –AHT 2×0.5 days/week
  2. Mr Lundie –Acting Assistant Head
  3. Mrs Stanyon –Progress Leader kS3
  4. Mr Ellis –Post 16 and Business Lead
  5. Mrs Wood- PE
  6. Mr Davis- Science

School is open for A level results on Thursday  15 August and for GCSE results on Thursday 22 August.

I would like to remind parents that we do expect students to be in full uniform in September, summer uniform is acceptable until 1 October 2018, however jeans and leggings are NOT acceptable uniform items. Similarly, please ensure your child has black school shoes, not trainers for the new term. Hoodies are also not uniform and need to be removed when indoors. We have steadily increased the number of school equipment items considered to be essential, for high quality learning. Therefore, from September we will expect students to have a pencil case with at least their 8-a-day ( 3 pens – 2 black and 1 green, pencil, ruler, eraser, calculator and glue stick).

A new 2019-20 Parents handbook will be issued in September along with the usual permission forms, all of which will need signing and returning.

I wish you all a very calm summer holiday. Term starts on Wednesday 4 September 2019 for all students.