Sports at The Wensleydale School

8th October 2020

This week our student, Nick O’Keefe, shares the positive impact sports has on his academic life at The Wensleydale School. He enlightens us on all aspects from mental health to friendships. 


Sports at The Wensleydale School are extremely popular amongst many of the students, and the sports done by the students are varied across a wide range, so there is a sport for everyone. This has very positive effects on the students and their wellbeing. Students that are fond of sport enjoy it at our school, as they all get to do the sports they love, and discover more activities to do.


The variety of sports

During the Autumn/Winter time, the gymnasium and the AstroTurf are mainly used, and the field when it is not too damp. Sports that aren’t normally played in clubs like rounders are popular, as it is a new sport to most. Hockey is often played during winter on the AstroTurf and is good fun. During Spring/Summer we play cricket and field sports, like javelin and shot put.


The Mental Effect 

Exercise is very good for the human body in the obvious way, but it has a brilliant effect on the mind of the people doing the exercise. Exercise helps with depression, anxiety, relieves stress and helps us sleep better, and all this is achieved through sport and PE at The Wensleydale School. During PE, I have rivalries with my friends, who is going to win, what the score will be. These friendly rivalries make sport fun and help build better friendships.



So to summarise, sport is healthy and is taught very well at our school. It is fun and good for us, so what’s not to like?