Surprising Career Paths: IT

3rd December 2020

Not only are the careers within IT so vast but it is they are also on trend. As technology grows, it means the range of careers expands too. This week we are talking about  IT career paths and industries which are a bit out of the box.  

Marketing: The marketing industry always requires new technology and is constantly growing. Particularly digital marketing which develops at the rate of knots! Marketing can be a great option if you want to go down a more creative route to create impactful digital campaigns. On the other hand, there is the analytical side of digital marketing which requires a lot of IT skills.

Healthcare: The healthcare industry is always after the best technology, so studying IT can open up a range of careers in this industry. IT is highly sought after in health care due to the need for medical development. 

Agriculture jobs: Agriculture and farming involves a lot of technology so there is plenty of work in this area. A lot of farming machines are now computer-operated and well-skilled IT technicians are needed to operate them. If you enjoy farming and production this is definitely one to look into.

It is important to remember that no career path limits you and the subjects we offer at The Wensleydale Business Innovation Centre can be a stepping stone to a vast range of employment options.