After school routine

8th September 2021

After being away for a long summer, sometimes it’s tricky to get back into the swing of things. To help you get back on top of everything, we thought we’d share some tips about creating a productive after-school routine.

  1. Have a routine.

This one’s a simple tip, especially given the fact that these are routine-based tricks already, but it’s important. More than anything, it can be really helpful to ensure you have some sort of routine to keep your days structured and easier to manage. While the rest of these tips contain good ideas for things to include within this, your routine can be whatever you’d like it to be.

  1. Give yourself time to get enough sleep.

Over summer, it’s easier to get into the habit of having lots of late nights as there’s not necessarily anywhere to be in the morning. Now that school’s started again, it’s important to make sure you’re consistently having a full night’s sleep (the recommended amount of time is eight hours), which means making a routine that allows you to get to bed at a reasonable time.

  1. Include getting things ready for school the next day.

There’s nothing worse than running out of time in the morning, leaving you flustered and unprepared for the day. Giving yourself some time in the evening to pack your bag and get your uniform ready for the morning takes away the stress of that morning rush.

  1. Make sure you have time for yourself.

What you don’t want to do is come home and work from then until you’re in bed. Of course, make sure you have time to do your homework and get all the bits done that you need to, but you also need to schedule in some time for relaxing and for hobbies.

We hope this gives a few helpful insights to reduce some of the stress associated with being back at school – remember to look after yourselves enjoy being back with your classmates!