Leaving school or sixth form? Do you need financial support?

12th July 2021


We are writing to remind you about the Trust Fund established in memory of Annie Wallace to support further education for people who have left school / sixth form college.

Some of you will remember Annie. She spent much of her childhood at Bridge End, and attended Walden and West Burton schools. She farmed with her husband, George, at Kentucky, and then moved with him to West Burton in their semi-retirement. She died at the end of 2008. When she bequeathed money to the Chapel, the Chapel felt it was most appropriate to set up an Educational Trust Fund in her memory. We hope that she would have been delighted to know that her money is being used to provide help and support to those wishing to further their education.

The Trust Fund supports education for people living in Richmondshire who have left school or sixth-form college. For example, it will provide help towards the costs of college or university courses, technical education, vocational education and apprenticeships. Preference is given to people in any of three categories: inhabitants of the Parish of Burton-cum-Walden, former pupils of West Burton School and those with a connection to West Burton Chapel. We expect to make moderate grants, though the size of each grant will depend on the number of grants we make.

Even though this year, like last year, has been very badly disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, we still hope to make grants on the basis of applicant’s planned education in the educational year 2021-22, though we do realise those plans may be subject to changes beyond the applicant’s control.

If you would like to apply for a grant from the Fund, please contact Mrs Julie Pledge to obtain an application form or download and complete the form below.

Mrs Julie Pledge
The Bield
West Burton
North Yorkshire


Application Form