Fairtrade Fortnight

21st February 2022

Fairtrade Fortnight begins on the 21st of February and is held to promote the Fairtrade system of certification that protects workers’ rights, safety, and pay. When we buy produce from the supermarket, we often don’t think about where it has come from or the journey it has undergone to make it onto our shelves. The farmers behind our cups of coffee can often be vulnerable to poverty and poor working conditions, but by looking for the ‘Fairtrade’ symbol on foods’ packaging, we can ensure we’re supporting companies that treat their workers fairly.

This Fairtrade Fortnight, we’re encouraging students to think about where their food comes from, and aim to buy conscientiously. You can find out more about Fairtrade on their website, here. They’re also hosting a series of free online events, including film screenings and climate change-based talks that you can sign up to, here.