Student Leaders

10th March 2022

As you may know, we have now appointed two new Student Leaders. Having moved away from the Head Girl/Boy system, Wensleydale School now functions with a Senior Student Leader and a Deputy Student Leader. The positions have been filled by Year 11 pupil Jessica Tattershall-Weaver and Year 10 pupil Molly Hunter, respectively.

After an application process and interviews with headteacher Julia Polley, both girls showed an impressive passion for the role. They spoke about how they wanted to help foster a greater connection between the student body and the Senior team, something that they both already have experience of as members of the school council.

We are looking forward to seeing our new Student Leaders at work, with some of their first tasks involving offering support for the Year 6 transition plans and looking at how Wensleydale School can promote student voices and well-being.

About her new role, Jessica said: ‘It’s a great privilege to have been made Senior Student. I can’t wait to help the teachers and staff alike, and further improve the school for everyone.’

Molly added: ‘I’m really proud to have been made head student and I look forward to working closely with both the students and the teachers to improve things in the school for everyone.’