Welcoming new students with exciting transition days

17th July 2024

To offer our new cohort of students a taste of secondary school life before they join us in September, in early July we welcomed them here for three exciting transition days

On day one, students took part in icebreaker activities, toured the school, and experienced sample lessons alongside current Year 7 mentors.

The second day was a full school day schedule, complete with enrichment activities and a local area walk, helping to familiarise students with their new surroundings.

On the final day outdoor bushcraft activities encouraged teamwork and confidence-building.

The transition days addressed many common questions and concerns – incoming student Anna said that although Wensleydale is bigger than her primary school, it wasn’t as big and scary as she initially thought. Another student, Zaide told us he had really enjoyed getting to know the school and where his classrooms will be, which had helped me feel less worried, and he was now excited to start in September.

Parents also found the experience beneficial. Mr Lewis, whose twins are joining us in next term said the transition days had given students an authentic taste of secondary school life and it was very helpful for the children to see how the practicalities of the school day worked.

Julia Polley, our Headteacher reflected on the success of the event, saying, “We’re pleased to see our new students forming connections during these transition days. These experiences are crucial in helping them feel more comfortable about starting secondary school.”

The transition days are part of our comprehensive approach to welcoming new students, which began with communications after Easter, a parent Q&A evening, and the sharing of timetables in May.

We look forward to officially welcoming our new Year 7 students in September as they embark on this exciting new chapter in their educational journey.