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A special day for our Combined Cadet Force (CCF)

6th February 2023

On Thursday 2 February, we were extremely proud to hold the first official passing out ceremony for Wensleydale CCF. Parents and families of the cadets attended the ceremony, which was opened by Headteacher, 2nd Lieutenant Julia Polley. Cadets were then presented with their blue berets by Captain Taylor, and Contingent Commander Julie Cooper gave a […]

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Beating the January blues

18th January 2023

January is a month often associated with the blues – in fact Monday 16 January is called Blue Monday. We thought it would be interesting to look into why this is and offer some tips to counteract any blue feelings that might pop up this month. Why is January so blue? Many people feel a […]

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Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year

16th December 2022

From all the Staff and Students at The Wensleydale School- a Very Happy Christmas and Peaceful New Year.   Term starts again for students on WEDNESDAY 4 JANUARY 2023.    

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Surviving Christmas

12th December 2022

December can be a challenging month for people at the best of times. During the pandemic we were prevented from seeing our loved ones, which caused added stress, and now we have a cost-of-living crisis to contend with. With this in mind, we thought we would put together a list of information, organisations and links […]

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The students who came in from the cold

21st November 2022

Earlier this month we took a group of students studying GCSE History on a school trip to Berlin. One of the subjects we are covering this year is the Cold War, so the aim of the trip was to visit some of the capital’s iconic landmarks that are particularly associated with that period of history. […]

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Year 11 Mock and Year 13 Exam Timetable January 2023

18th November 2022

The mock exam timetable for year 11 and the public exam timetable for year 13 is available to download below.  All mock exam dates and times are subject to change, public exams are set dates and cannot be changed. Mock Exam Timetable January 2023 – Student Version (3)

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