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The Big Draw

8th October 2021

October is The Big Draw month, where they aim to promote visual arts by giving yearly themes and asking people to create drawings based on these. This year’s theme is ‘Change Makers’ and about this, they say they want to ‘support all those positive change-makers, those seeking to affect change- those advocating for kindness to […]

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Help us by collecting Morrisons Grow Tokens

4th October 2021

As you may know if you saw our previous blogpost ‘Help support extracurricular activities at Wensleydale School’, we’re undergoing an ambitious project to provide our students with enrichment groups and activities to support their learning outside of the classroom. If you’re a business that would like to help out, you can read about getting involved […]

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Tips for tackling homework

27th September 2021

Homework is an important part of the learning process as it means we’re practicing new techniques and revising information, helping us to commit these to memory. However, we know that it’s not always super easy to get it done straight away or without a little bit of procrastination, so we wanted to share our tips […]

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Virtual Year 11 Parents Evening Thursday Sep 30th from 4-7pm

24th September 2021

Year 11 parents evening is a virtual on-line meeting with subject teachers from 4-7pm. More information can be found here together with instructions and video guides. You can start making appointments from 12 noon today up until 12 noon next Thursday. See the website Any issues please let me know. Click here to logon […]

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Autumn Solstice

22nd September 2021

Last week we shared an apple pie recipe to celebrate being so close to autumn. Well, we’re now not close to autumn – it officially is autumn!  Today, the 22nd of September is the autumn solstice, so we thought we’d share some fun facts about the day. The autumn solstice, like the beginning of all […]

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Recycle Week

20th September 2021

This week is Recycle Week, hosted by WRAP with the aim of encouraging people and businesses from around the world to reduce waste and recycle where possible. In spirit of this, we thought we’d share this interesting video all about what really happens when you throw plastic away. But now that we know that, what […]

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